IND for ATA-100, a Gene Therapy for the Treatment of Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2I/R9 (LGMD2I/R9), cleared to proceed by FDA

  • LGMD 2I/R9 is a rare muscle dystrophy with no approved treatment
  • ATA-100 is being evaluated in Europe in a multi-center phase 1b/2b

Evry, France (September 5, 2023) – Atamyo Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on the development of new-generation gene therapies targeting muscular dystrophies and cardiomyopathies, today announced that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared its Investigational New Drug (IND) application for ATA-100 to proceed in a Phase 1b/2b clinical trial. ATA-100 is a one-time gene therapy for the treatment of fukutin-related protein (FKRP) limb-girdle muscular dystrophy Type 2I/R9 (LGMD2I/R9).

ATA-100 (formerly known as GNT0006) is being evaluated in a multi-center phase 1b/2b in Denmark, France, and United-Kingdom.

“This IND clearance in an important step to bring ATA-100 to US patients suffering from this highly debilitating LGMD-R9 disease” said Dr. Sophie Olivier, Atamyo’s Chief Medical Officer. “After the initiation in 2022 of a phase 1b/2b in Europe, we are looking forward to opening US centers in the near future for this clinical trial.”

LGMD2I/R9 is a rare genetic disease caused by mutations in the gene that produces fukutin-related protein (FKRP). It affects an estimated 5,000 people in the US and Europe. In the most common form, symptoms appear around late childhood or early adulthood. Patients suffer from progressive muscular weakness leading to loss of ambulation. They are also prone to respiratory impairment. There are currently no curative treatments for LGMD2I/R9.

ATA-100, a single-administration gene therapy candidate for LGMD2I/R9, delivers a normal copy of the gene for production of FKRP proteins. The therapy is based on the research of

Atamyo Chief Scientific Officer Isabelle Richard, Ph.D., Research Director at CNRS who heads the Progressive Muscular Dystrophies Laboratory at Genethon.

About Atamyo Therapeutics

Atamyo Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharma focused on the development of a new generation of effective and safe gene therapies for muscular dystrophies and cardiomyopathies. A spin-off of gene therapy pioneer Genethon, Atamyo leverages unique expertise in AAV-based gene therapy and muscular dystrophies from the Progressive Muscular Dystrophies Laboratory at Genethon. Atamyo’s most advanced programs address different forms of limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD), with one clinical-stage program targeting LGMD-R9. The name of the company is derived from two words: Celtic Atao which means “Always” or “Forever” and Myo which is the Greek root for muscle. Atamyo conveys the spirit of its commitment to improve the life of patients affected by neuromuscular diseases with life-long efficient treatments. For more information visit

U.S. Contact:

Charles Craig, Opus Biotech Communications, 404-245-0591

European contact:

Roger Hajjar, MD, pionnier de la Thérapie Génique, rejoint le Board d’Atamyo Therapeutics

Evry, France (24 juillet 2023) – Atamyo Therapeutics, une biotech spécialisée dans le développement de thérapies géniques de nouvelle génération ciblant des dystrophies musculaires et cardiomyopathies, a annoncé aujourd’hui que le Dr Roger Hajjar, Directeur du Gene and Cell Therapy Institute at Mass General Brigham in Boston, rejoint son Board (Comité Stratégique).

Roger Hajjar, MD, est un pionnier de la thérapie génique et un scientifique de renommée internationale avec plus de 500 publications scientifiques à comité de lecture. Ses découvertes sur la thérapie génique cardiaque et ses méthodes de transfert de gènes ciblant le cœur sont actuellement utilisées par des chercheurs du monde entier.

Après avoir obtenu son doctorat en médecine à la Harvard Medical School et au département Sciences et Technologies de la Santé au Harvard-MIT, il a rejoint le Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) et la Harvard Medical School de 1997 à 2006. Ses premières recherches au MGH ont consisté à étudier des patients souffrant d’insuffisances cardiaques avec peu d’options thérapeutiques, ce qui l’a amené à se tourner vers la thérapie génique.

De 2007 à 2019, le Dr Hajjar a été Directeur du Centre de Recherche Cardiovasculaire de l’école de médecine de l’hôpital Mount Sinaï à New York puis il a été de 2019 à 2022 responsable de la R&D chez Ring Therapeutics, une société issue de Flagship Pioneering. En décembre 2022, il a été nommé premier Directeur du Gene and Cell Therapy Institute du Mass General Brigham.

Le Dr Hajjar est également un serial entrepreneur. Il a été cofondateur et directeur médical/scientifique de plusieurs entreprises de biotechnologies, dont NanoCor Therapeutics et Medera Biopharmaceuticals.

« Nous sommes très heureux d’accueillir Roger au sein du Board d’Atamyo à un moment aussi crucial pour la société », a déclaré Frédéric Revah, Président du Comité Stratégique d’Atamyo. « Roger apportera une valeur ajoutée et une expérience considérable et j’ai hâte de travailler avec lui ».

Le Dr Hajjar a ajouté : « Je suis ravi de rejoindre le Board d’Atamyo pendant cette période passionnante de développement de nouveaux vecteurs de thérapie génique avec une sécurité et une efficacité améliorées. J’ai hâte de contribuer à cette mission de développement de ces traitements pour des maladies dévastatrices, alors qu’Atamyo développe de nouvelles thérapies géniques pour les dystrophies musculaires et les cardiomyopathies ».

« Nous sommes ravis que la stature et l’expérience de Roger se joignent à notre Board. Son expérience scientifique, médicale et entrepreneuriale exceptionnelle en thérapie cellulaire et génique sera inestimable à mesure que nous progressons dans le développement de nos thérapies géniques pour les dystrophies musculaires des ceintures et les cardiomyopathies », a déclaré Stéphane Degove, CEO d’Atamyo. “J’ai également hâte de travailler avec lui pour conduire les succès futurs d’Atamyo.”

A propos d’Atamyo Therapeutics

Atamyo Therapeutics est une Biopharma au stade clinique, dédiée au développement d’une nouvelle génération de thérapies géniques sûres et efficaces pour lutter contre les dystrophies musculaires et les cardiomyopathies. Spin-off du pionnier en thérapie génique Généthon, Atamyo s’appuie sur l’expertise unique en matière de thérapie génique à base d’AAV (virus adéno-associé) et de compréhension des dystrophies musculaires, développés au sein du laboratoire des Dystrophies musculaires progressives de Généthon. Les programmes les plus avancés d’Atamyo portent sur différentes formes de dystrophies musculaires des ceintures (LGMD), dont un programme en cours d’essai clinique ciblant la LGMD-R9. Le nom de l’entreprise est inspiré de deux mots : « Atao » qui signifie en langue celtique « toujours » ou « pour toujours » et « myo- » qui est la racine grecque désignant les muscles. « Atamyo » traduit l’engagement de la société à améliorer la vie des patients atteints de maladies neuromusculaires grâce à des traitements efficaces tout au long de leur vie.

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Contact U.S. :

Charles Craig, Opus Biotech Communications, 404-245-0591

Contact en Europe:

Gene Therapy Pioneer Roger Hajjar, MD, Joins Atamyo Therapeutics Board of Directors

Evry, France (July 24, 2023) – Atamyo Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on the development of new-generation gene therapies targeting muscular dystrophies and cardiomyopathies, today announced the appointment of Roger J. Hajjar, MD, Director of the Gene and Cell Therapy Institute at Mass General Brigham in Boston, to its Board of Directors.

Dr. Hajjar is a gene therapy pioneer and internationally recognized scientist with more than 500 peer-reviewed publications. His cardiac gene therapy discoveries and methodologies for cardiac-directed gene transfer are currently utilized by investigators worldwide.

After receiving his MD from Harvard Medical School and the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology, he joined the faculty of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School from 1997 to 2006. His early research at MGH involved studying patients with heart failure with few treatment options, which led him to look towards gene therapy.

From 2007 to 2019, Dr. Hajjar was Director of the Cardiovascular Research Center at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York and from 2019 to 2022, he was head of R&D at Ring Therapeutics, a Flagship Pioneering company. In December 2022, he was named the inaugural Director of the Gene and Cell Therapy Institute at Mass General Brigham.

Dr. Hajjar also is a successful entrepreneur. He was co-founder and Chief Medical/Scientific Officer of several biotechs including NanoCor Therapeutics and Medera Biopharmaceuticals. 

“We are very happy to welcome Roger to Atamyo’s Board at such a pivotal time for the Company” said Frederic Revah, Chairman of Atamyo’s Board of Director. “Roger will add tremendous value and experience to the Board and I very much look forward to working with him.”

Dr. Hajjar added “I am delighted to be joining Atamyo’s Board during this exciting period of developing new gene therapy vectors with enhanced safety and efficacy. I look forward to contributing to this mission to develop treatments for devastating diseases, as the Company develops novel gene therapies for muscular dystrophies and cardiomyopathies.”

“We are thrilled to have Roger’s stature and experience join our Board. His outstanding scientific, medical, and entrepreneurial experience in cell and gene therapy will be invaluable as we progress the development of our gene therapies for both Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophies and cardiomyopathies”, said Stephane Degove, Atamyo’s Chief Executive Officer. “I also look forward to working with him to drive Atamyo’s future success.”

About Atamyo Therapeutics

Atamyo Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharma focused on the development of a new generation of effective and safe gene therapies for muscular dystrophies and cardiomyopathies. A spin-off of gene therapy pioneer Genethon, Atamyo leverages unique expertise in AAV-based gene therapy and muscular dystrophies from the Progressive Muscular Dystrophies Laboratory at Genethon. Atamyo’s most advanced programs address different forms of limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD), with one clinical-stage program targeting LGMD-R9. The name of the company is derived from two words: Celtic Atao which means “Always” or “Forever” and Myo which is the Greek root for muscle. Atamyo conveys the spirit of its commitment to improve the life of patients affected by neuromuscular diseases with life-long efficient treatments. For more information visit

U.S. Contact:

Charles Craig, Opus Biotech Communications, 404-245-0591

European contact: