Atamyo Therapeutics annonce des présentations scientifiques sur ses programmes LGMD et sa participation à des conférences

  • Cinq communications sur ses programmes LGMD seront présentées au congrès Myology 2024
  • Présentation corporate par son CEO Stephane Degove à BioEquity Europe 2024

Evry, France (April 22, 2024) – Atamyo Therapeutics, une entreprise biopharmaceutique spécialisée dans le développement de thérapies géniques de nouvelle génération ciblant des maladies neuromusculaires, a annoncé aujourd’hui des communications scientifiques sur ses programmes ciblant les limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) et sa participation à des conférences.

Cinq communications scientifiques au 8ème Congrès International Myology (22-24 avril 2024 à Paris).

Cinq communications décrivant les programmes d’Atamyo ciblant les LGMDs seront présentées au 8ème Congrès International Myology:

  1. Development of gene therapy for three prevalent forms of LGMD
  • Présentation orale par E. Giquel (Genethon), au Amphithéâtre Havane, le 24 avril 2024, à 11h00

2. Heart toxicity can be induced in rats after injection of high level of AAV expressing γ–sarcoglycan using the Desmin and MHCK7 but can be prevented by the tMCK promoter

  • J Poupiot (Genethon) et al., poster numéro P331, Therapeutics

3. Evaluation of gene transfer efficiency in a mild model of dystrophic muscle disorder performed by machine learning and linear discriminant analysis

  • A Brureau (Genethon) et al., poster numéro P117, Muscle Function session

4. Lipid metabolism is disrupted in mouse and human models of FKRP deficiency, and rescued after FKRP gene transfer

  • E Gicquel (Genethon) et al., poster numéro P296, Muscular Dystrophy session

5. FKRP related Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy: A biomarker identification study

  • S Campuzano (Genethon) et al., poster numéro P293, Muscular Dystrophy session

Atamyo participera à la conférence BioEquity Europe (12-14 mai à San Sebastian, Espagne).

Stéphane Degove, le CEO d’Atamyo, présentera un update corporate le 14 mai à 11:20, dans la salle 4+5

A propos d’Atamyo Therapeutics

Atamyo Therapeutics est une biopharma au stade clinique, dédiée au développement d’une nouvelle génération de thérapies géniques sûres et efficaces pour lutter contre les dystrophies musculaires et les cardiomyopathies. Spin-off du pionnier en thérapie génique Généthon, Atamyo s’appuie sur l’expertise unique en matière de thérapie génique à base d’AAV (virus adéno-associé) et de compréhension des dystrophies musculaires, développés au sein du laboratoire des Dystrophies musculaires progressives de Généthon. Les programmes les plus avancés d’Atamyo portent sur différentes formes de dystrophies musculaires des ceintures (LGMD), dont deux programmes au stade clinique ciblant les LGMD-R9 et -R5. Le nom de l’entreprise est inspiré de deux mots : « Atao » qui signifie en langue celtique « toujours » ou « pour toujours » et « myo- » qui est la racine grecque désignant les muscles. « Atamyo » traduit l’engagement de la société à améliorer la vie des patients atteints de maladies neuromusculaires grâce à des traitements efficaces tout au long de leur vie.

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Contact U.S. :

Charles Craig, Opus Biotech Communications, 404-245-0591

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Atamyo Therapeutics Announces Scientific Communications on its LGMD Programs and Participation in Conferences

  • Five upcoming communications on LGMD programs at Myology 2024 Congress
  • CEO Stephane Degove to present corporate overview at BioEquity Europe 2024

Evry, France (April 22, 2024) – Atamyo Therapeutics, a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the development of new-generation gene therapies targeting muscular dystrophies and cardiomyopathies, today announced its participation in upcoming  conferences and scientific communications on its programs targeting limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs).

Five upcoming communications at the 8th International Myology Congress (April 22-25, 2024 in Paris, France).

Five communications describing Atamyo’s LGMD programs will be presented at the 8th International Myology Congress:

1) Development of gene therapy for three prevalent forms of LGMD

. Oral Presentation by E. Giquel (Genethon), at Havane Amphitheatre, on April 24, 2024, 11h00

2) Heart toxicity can be induced in rats after injection of high level of AAV expressing γ–sarcoglycan using the Desmin and MHCK7 but can be prevented by the tMCK promoter

. J Poupiot (Genethon) et al., poster number P331, Therapeutics session

3) Evaluation of gene transfer efficiency in a mild model of dystrophic muscle disorder performed by machine learning and linear discriminant analysis

. A Brureau (Genethon) et al., poster number P117, Muscle Function session

4) Lipid metabolism is disrupted in mouse and human models of FKRP deficiency, and rescued after FKRP gene transfer

. E Gicquel (Genethon) et al., poster number P296, Muscular Dystrophy session

5) FKRP related Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy: A biomarker identification study

. S Campuzano (Genethon) et al., poster number P293, Muscular Dystrophy session

Atamyo to participate in BioEquity Europe Conference (May 12-14 in San Sebastian, Spain).

Stephane Degove, Atamyo CEO, will provide a corporate overview during an oral presentation on May 14, at 11:20 AM, in the Room 4+5.

About Atamyo Therapeutics

Atamyo Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharma focused on the development of a new generation of effective and safe gene therapies for neuromuscular diseases. A spin-off of gene therapy pioneer Genethon, Atamyo leverages unique expertise in AAV-based gene therapy and muscular dystrophies from the Progressive Muscular Dystrophies Laboratory at Genethon. Atamyo’s most advanced programs address different forms of limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD), with two clinical-stage programs targeting respectively LGMD2I/R9 and LGMD2C/R5. The name of the company is derived from two words: Celtic Atao which means “Always” or “Forever” and Myo which is the Greek root for muscle. Atamyo conveys the spirit of its commitment to improve the life of patients affected by neuromuscular diseases with life-long efficient treatments.

For more information visit

U.S. Contact:

Charles Craig, Opus Biotech Communications, 404-245-0591

European contact:

Atamyo Therapeutics Announces participations in Conferences and Key Scientific Communications on its LGMD programs

  • Participation in Chardan’s 7th Genetic Medicines Conference
  • Participation in Cell and Gene Therapy on the Mesa 2023 Meeting
  • Five upcoming communications on LGMD programs at WMS congress, ESGCT annual meeting and 2023 International Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Conference

Evry, France (September 29, 2023) – Atamyo Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on the development of new-generation gene therapies targeting neuromuscular disease, today announced its participation to forthcoming conferences and scientific communications on its programs targeting limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs).

Atamyo to participate in Chardan’s 7th Annual Genetic Medicines Conference and in Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa 2023

Stephane Degove, Atamyo CEO, will provide a corporate overview at two forthcoming conferences in October:

  • Chardan’s 7th Annual Genetic Medicines Conference, held in New York City:
  • Presentation on October 2, at 10:30 AM, in the Embassy room
  • Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa, held in Carlsbad, CA, on October 10-12, 2023:
  • Presentation on October 10, at 5:15pm, at the Rentschler ATMP Ballroom

Two upcoming communications at the 28th Annual Congress of the World Muscle Society (3-7 October 2023 in Charleston, SC)

Two communications describing Atamyo’s LGMD programs will be presented by Atamyo and Genethon at the 28th International Annual Congress of the World Muscle Society (WMS):

1. Evaluation of gene transfer efficiency in a mild model of dystrophic muscle disorder performed by machine learning and linear discriminant analysis

  • Oral Presentation by A. Brureau (Genethon), at Ballroom C2 on October 4, 2023 from 18h15 to 18h45
  • Poster Board Number 282 at Ballroom C, on October 4, 2023, 17h15-18h15

2. Natural history of limb girdle muscular dystrophy R9: one-year follow-up of a European cohort

  • Oral Presentation by J. Vissing (Copenhagen Neuromuscular Center, Rigshospitale) at Ballroom C2 on October 4, 2023 from 18h15 to 18h45
  • Poster Board Number 283 at Ballroom C, on October 4, 2023, 17h15-18h15

Two upcoming communications at the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy 30th annual congress (24-27 October 2023 in Brussels – Belgium):

Two communications describing Atamyo’s LGMD programs will be presented by Atamyo and Genethon at the 30th Annual Congress of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ESGCT) that will take place on October 24-27, 2023 in Brussel (Belgium):

1) Gene therapy for LGMDR9: preliminary results of a dose-escalation study

  • Oral presentation by Nicolai Preisler, MD, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, during the Cardiovascular and muscular diseases session, on Friday October 27, 11h30-13h00 – Le BEL, Tour & Taxis

2) A micro-RNA regulated AAV vector prevents the cardiotoxicity induced by transgene overexpression following FKRP gene transfer

  • E. Gicquel (Genethon) et al., poster number P060, poster sessions October 25 and 26

Oral presentation on Atamyo’s LGMD-R9 program at the 2023 International Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Conference (28-29 October 2023, Washington DC)

  1. Preliminary experiences with Atamyo’s FKRP gene therapy
  • Oral presentation by John Vissing, MD, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, during the Clinical Trials Updates (Part 1) Session, on October 29, 11h00am-12h10pm – Constitution Ballroom, Grand Hyatt

About Atamyo Therapeutics

Atamyo Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharma focused on the development of a new generation of effective and safe gene therapies for neuromuscular diseases. A spin-off of gene therapy pioneer Genethon, Atamyo leverages unique expertise in AAV-based gene therapy and muscular dystrophies from the Progressive Muscular Dystrophies Laboratory at Genethon. Atamyo’s most advanced programs address different forms of limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD), with two clinical-stage programs targeting respectively LGMD-R9 and LGMD-R5. The name of the company is derived from two words: Celtic Atao which means “Always” or “Forever” and Myo which is the Greek root for muscle. Atamyo conveys the spirit of its commitment to improve the life of patients affected by neuromuscular diseases with life-long efficient treatments. For more information visit

U.S. Contact:

Charles Craig, Opus Biotech Communications, 404-245-0591

European contact: